Offering real life experiences is a goal of ours at J.R. Gerritts Middle School. We encourage our students to become life long learners and develop skills to help them take charge of their own learning and to create their own learning opportunities.
The Computer Applications Department at J.R. Gerritts Middle School is designed to prepare our students for the 21st Century. Students are engaging in technical applications more and more and we strive to make sure our students are ready.
We not only teach the technical abilities, but also the less concrete aspects. We teach our students how to critically think through a task, work in teams collaboratively and how to reach out to the global community using the technology readily available to us.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veteran's Day!

JRG thanks all veteran's today in our annual Veterans Day program!
(and the students dress up to honor them!)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

National Information Literacy Month 2011 Badge

Angry Birds and Lessons on Teaching? Really?

Angry Birds and lessons on teaching? Really? Yes!
Marc Prensky wrote a book "Don't Bother Me Mom I'm Learning" about the benefits of video games (in moderation of course) in and out of the classroom. This blog, written by Dan Meyer, doesn't so much talk about the benefits of Angry Birds in or out of a classroom, as it does the benefits of the concepts of the design of the game and how those concepts could be used when designing a lesson. Check it out!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Looking for a Tutorial??

This website has free tutorials! Yes I did say FREE! Now, I haven't gone through them all, but the ones I did go through seemed to give a pretty good introduction.
The Interenet Safety tutorial provided some helpful hints.
Check it out and let me know if you found it useful at all!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Interactive Computing Strategies!

Students are completely involved in building and programming their Lego Mindstorms!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Games, Games and More Games

Check out the following link to explore some complex, interactive games! The great thing about these games is that playing them is a Win, Win situation for you! You win because you are playing games. Your parents win because you are learning! :)

“Serious Games” are video-style games designed to engage young people with 3D graphics and challenging game play while teaching complex concepts. Many of these games need to be downloaded to your computer; check the minimum specifications before downloading. We have also included some less complex “Online Games” that can be played on most web browsers, in shorter periods of time, and by younger students.

Welcome to Quarter 4!

To introduce themselves to the class, my Computer Applications Grade 7 students used Toondoo. They chose a 4 square vertical layout and in each square they had a different topic. 

Square 1: Their Family
Square 2: Their Interests/Hobbies, etc...
Square 3: Somewhere they would like to visit
Square 4: Their goals/dreams

Visit the Computer Application 7 link at the top of my blog to check out some of their work! :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Take The E-mail Etiquette Pledge

[Take The Email Etiquette Pledge]
Take The Email Etiquette Pledge

I love the quote: "If a emale is writon with speeling mestakes and gramitckal errors, you mite git the meening, however, the messige is not as affective, or smoothly redable.

Poor writing is equivalent to someone speaking with spinach stuck between their teeth. Listeners and readers concentrate on the spinach; not what is being said."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Do you take pictures on your smart phone?

I do!
I love to take pictures and I love to upload pictures to Facebook or email them to friends! I had no idea how much information I was transmitting out to everyone! Check out this news report, taken from YouTube:

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What to do in your spare time? Try Blogging!

Recently I found this blog: Etiole: The Teen Tech Dude and thought of all my students... If he can do it... why can't you?

"Monik Pamecha, who is currently in his 9th grade and is a passionate blogger. His first love was his computer at the age of 2 and a half and now at the age of 13 1/2 he loves writing PHP and creating Web Applications and websites. He is a Entrepreneur and a amateur Photographer. He’s also Interested in Sports, and plays Soccer, Table Tennis."

He has great advice and I love that his personality clearly comes through in his writing!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Techy Tutorials

If you are interested in creating a blog, wikki, online video, share your bookmarks, or one of 7 other techy projects.... the following  free online book titled: How To do 11 Techy Things in the New Year is perfect for you! Very easy, straightforward tutorials. Enjoy!!!