Offering real life experiences is a goal of ours at J.R. Gerritts Middle School. We encourage our students to become life long learners and develop skills to help them take charge of their own learning and to create their own learning opportunities.
The Computer Applications Department at J.R. Gerritts Middle School is designed to prepare our students for the 21st Century. Students are engaging in technical applications more and more and we strive to make sure our students are ready.
We not only teach the technical abilities, but also the less concrete aspects. We teach our students how to critically think through a task, work in teams collaboratively and how to reach out to the global community using the technology readily available to us.

Computer Applications 7

In seventh grade, this is a 9 week class.
The students will learn how to use a spreadsheet, word processor and efficiently search the Internet, all the while collaborating with eachother, and student from other schools, on projects. This class focuses on teaching students how to solve their own problems, think through processes and become comfortable with a variety of software programs. The students keyboard for 15 minutes daily, using the program Applied Microtype. The statewide goal is for all students to be able to type 25 wpm by the end of their eighth grade year.

All seventh grade students are given e-mail accounts that we will use to learn about on-line communication and safety issues related to the Internet. The students will utilize these accounts to collaborate on projects, share assignments with their teachers and communicate with students from another school.

Videos from netsmartz

Videos that will make you think first

Quarter 4 2011! Students used the program ToonDoo to introduce themselves to the class! Follow the links below and enjoy! :)

Hour 3:
Hour 8 Toondoos: